Dear Anil,

Excellent article and indepth analysis of a topic which is of universal concern.I have always believed in Sunita Narain though there are many people who are against her views.India is emerging as a major country expressing concern and taking steps to control carbon emissions. Let's hope and pray for a cleaner World !!

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Rather than being coaxed or coerced into following a rules based emission program that is bound to be follow, in view of the destructive weather being experienced all over the world; India under PM Modi, has siezed the initiative at the COP26 meeting and declared bold targets with an unexpected foresight; for adhering to the rules will not only be a welcome to the world community but also it will benefit our own country by being less affected by climate change and be on the path to a dynamic sustainable growth. The commitments must have been carefully worked out, keeping in view the progress already made and our natural advantage for solar energy projects. The most topical and crucial issue of the time Anil and you have made a terrific presentation. Thank you as once again I am recharged with fresh knowledge.

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