Dear Anil

If I remember correctly, you had mentioned about this budget on previous occasions as well. Finally the time has come for the NDA to present it's last budget of the second term. This is one week when everyone is guessing about what is in store for them in the budget.

In India's case there is no doubt that Fortune favours the brave. How else can one explain our impressive growth rate while most of the other countries are still reeling under recession? Our country first faced the Covid challenge and in our case it was more challenging because of the sheer population. How does one handle the highly potent and mysterious virus which demands social distancing in a country with the maximum density of population? Most foreign journals had declared a very high death rate in India. Not only our people but even the economy pulled through. Then began the Ukraine conflict but again we showed the way to the rest of the world. It now seems like whatever could go wrong did go wrong. Then how are we projecting a path breaking 7.3% growth rate?

Now we seem to have reached a state of calmness and prosperity after the tumultuous storms. This year's budget may create a few ripples but definitely no major waves. No one would want to rock a boat which is sailing so smoothly.

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Dear Ranjini,

Thank you for your thoughts. Agree with you. India surprised the world and its critics by not just surviving the crises, but thriving from it. This resilience has caught the attention of the world. Interestingly, though this seems to be true for several other countries too. Undoubtedly, India's record is impressive.

Like you say fingers crossed ahead of 1 February.

Look forward to your continued participation.



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The "Shining India" slogan prior to the 2004 elections, was followed by the shock results in the Parliamentary elections. BJP learnt the lesson, that what matters is the rural vote, without which it was not possible to win elections at the national level. The minority vote bank, has been adequately dwarfed by the surge in Hindu unity and even some loose ends like Rajasthan and Chattisgarh have now been knotted. The latest coup in Bihar has made the outcome more certain and it is only the margin of victory, that remains to be seen. However, although the free basic rations to BPL families continue, the government has allowed prices of food items to go up, thereby keeping the farmers in a happier state of mind. The MSP for certain agricultural produce has been generous and proactive measures for price control have been taken, by stopping/restriction of export of food items at certain times, especially non Basmati rice and onions at certain times. Let us keep our fingers crossed for some relief to the middle income groups, in the budget this week. An interesting article. Thank you Anil 😊

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Dear Gautam,

Thank you for your thoughts. A lot of critics actually claim that this Shining India 2.0. But, I would agree with you. The momentum has distinctly shifted in favour of the NDA. Presumably, the reason why the populist rhetoric is missing in the opposition's arsenal. It was a pleasant surprise to me.

Time to change the political lexicon in this country. India needs to do lots more heavy lifting. It is a job not even half-done. So fingers crossed.



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